Invite Us
To Share with your fellowship
How to schedule a speaking engagement
We would love to come share a message of encouragement with your church or fellowship – no setting is too small or too large. We are asking the Father to guide us and direct our steps on where He is calling us to go. It’s up to you to extend the invite for us to share with your Family.
Here’s an idea of how your next steps may look…
- Take a look at this website, our Facebook page, and our YouTube channel to see our message and determine if you agree with what the Father has put on our hearts. We also encourage you to visit “The Book” tab to read Josephs’ testimony or listen to the Introduction and Chapter 1 of the book.
- If you support and believe in the message the Father has put on our hearts, join us in prayer for discernment of how the Holy Spirit directs your next step.
- When you believe the Lord has prompted you, reach out to us and schedule an in-person or virtual meeting with Joseph and team to get to know us a little better. We understand building a relationship of trust is very important as you welcome others into your Church or Fellowship.
- After this meeting, we will join you in prayer as we seek our Fathers Will for the next steps.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and pray about allowing us to come share a word of encouragement with your fellowship – with your Family. It is a humbling experience that you would consider an opportunity for us to walk alongside you as we seek to serve and love other for Christ. We are so grateful for this opportunity!!!
BTW. We almost forgot, there is no fee for us to come speak at your fellowship. All we ask for is a Love offering at our speaking engagements, we believe the Lord will provide for our needs, as He is Faithful.
What happens next?
After your church or group takes the “Pearl Challenge”, we encourage you to check out our “Community Resources” page for next step ideas and ways to help you stay connected to your Heavenly Father.
What does a church PRL launch look like?
Here is an example of how we launched the “Pearl Challenge” at our home church.
(Please Note: the beginning of these demonstrations have church announcements.)
What are others saying?
“I found the PRL Challenge to be more of a challenge than I expected. I had a couple of wonderful days where I was able to really tune in and listen for God’s voice. Other days I was too much on the run to really listen for the voice of the Lord. The PRL Challenge is totally worthwhile. When I do listen for and listen to God’s voice, I am a much more joyful, peaceful, and open person. More fruitful.
Thanks for the PRL Challenge!”
Wesley Tillett | Executive Director | Lafayette Urban Ministry |
- Phone:
- (317) 762-8559
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