Over the past 32 years, and especially over the last 5 years, Our Father has been teaching Jennifer and I how to “Trust and Obey” him through all of the experiences we have been going through. With all of the uncertainty centered around my work, he has been showing us his faithfulness and how he will continue to provide for our needs. Jennifer has been facing physical health problems which we believe are spiritual attacks on her. So we pray for the Lords healing and deliverance believing God will restore her in his perfect timing. All of our experiences are preparing us to trust and obey him in every situation. He has been preparing and revealing a great calling on our lives to point other to Jesus.
Thank you for taking a look at our book. We hope to offer an encouraging account of a “normal” life and that you find different ways you are able to relate to. Our prayer is that you too may find a Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ that has a plan and purpose for your life. As we tell of childhood trauma, which affects every person on earth, we hope to give you even more hope that you are not alone and that God loves you. It is a journey which we are all on, but take heart you are not alone, you have a Heavenly Father that desires to have a personal relationship with you. He doesn’t force Himself on us, instead He lovingly nudges us to get our attention, then afterwards continues to walk us through the trauma we have experienced with His perfect love. One of the most important pieces to this “walk” is revealed through His word, the Bible. Some have said “BIBLE” stands for “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”, which is a fun acronym. I find the Bible as an amazing love story about how a Perfect Loving Father gives us all the tools we need to live this life on earth and that He has so much more in store for us on this side of eternity. He has an amazing adventure ahead for you as you take the “7 Day Pearl” Challenge (PRL – stands for Pray, Read & Listen). As you read this book, you will see how this adventure plays out in this one man’s journey with Jesus. We are excited to hear from you as you begin this adventure of discovering who you are in Christ Jesus our Lord.